
Rose (Rosa centifolia)

Roses are one of the world’s most revered flowers, providing a multitude of healing benefits. Archaeological evidence suggests that the rose is at least 30 million years old.

They have been utilised in Chinese Medicine for over 5,000 years and are now used across the world both medicinally and for beautification. Rich in vitamins A, C and E, it also has powerful antioxidant, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

The use of rose petals may support women’s health, alleviating many menstrual symptoms such as pain, cramping or heavy blood loss.

Further, it may improve infertility, irregular periods, as well as treating urinary tract infections and boosting libido. Its nutrient and property profile make it excellent for maintaining radiant skin and hair, treating acne, promoting collagen production and minimising skin damage.

It may also support digestive and liver health, the immune system in fighting infections and calm the nervous system. Its antioxidant properties help neutralise environmental toxins, repair cellular damage and protect the body against premature ageing and chronic illnesses such heart disease and cancer.

Part used:

Flower, hip


Aromatic, slightly bitter, astringent, cooling, drying


Nervine, carminative, emmenagogue, aphrodisiac, antibacterial, antiseptic, nervine, anti-inflammatory, cardio tonic, vulnerary


Sore throat, cold and flu symptoms, irritable bowel syndrome, headaches, bug bites, scratches.


Related products:

Rose petals are used in our Antioxidant, Chakra, French Earl grey, Jasmine Green, Meditation, Mother Nature, Peaceful, Rooibos Tea with Rose, Spicy Chai, Turkish Delight, Women’s Wellness, Grey Martini, Ruby Rose and Spiced Apple Tea as well as Sex Dust.