Heart-Opening Meditation

Heart-Opening Meditation

Heart-Opening Meditation

As we created our Love collection we explored ideas about loving kindness and the ways that we find and feel, and show and share gentleness, closeness and care.

Growing from this process, we’re inspired to share this meditation to open the heart and find centred connection with your loving self, in mindfulness and peace.

We invite you to take a moment to feel and nurture this connection, and welcome this energy into your day.

The meditation can be practiced in silence, or you can read aloud any words that feel resonant to you in your engagement.

It is offered with a welcoming spirit, and with gratitude for your presence.

Meditation: Love

A heart opening meditation offering

These words are a guided reading meditation to focus and practice softening into the sacred –

In this meditation we will explore loving and listening to yourself within the heart.

When is the last time you closed your eyes and whispered words of love to yourself?

When was the last time you gave yourself the time that you give others?

When was the last time you paused and simply listened to your heart beating?

To begin, find yourself a comfortable position to sit or lay down in as you take time to be with your heart.

As you come to find a moment of stillness, try and allow the external world to slowly dissolve, coming into connection with your own inner world. Allow these words to calm you and to re-connect yourself to your heart.

Notice how your body feels in this moment.

Notice where you are tight. Notice where there is tension.

Inhale gently into those parts of yourself – exhale and soften.

Notice the temperature around you, the sounds you can hear, and the sensations within your body.

Soften into this moment in time and allow yourself to come back here and now.

Soften into this moment of sacredness.

Inhale gently – exhale and soften.

As you lean into this time with yourself, notice what thoughts may be arising.

As you continue to breathe gently, allow each thought that enters your mind to simply just exist. Do not think, worry, or ponder too much. Allow your thoughts to gently pass by you.

Inhale gently – exhale and soften.

Bringing your attention now to your chest. Focusing your awareness on the rise and fall of your rib cage as you inhale and exhale.

Focusing now on the beating of your heart.

Does it feel slow and steady, or is it beating fast?

Simple just noticing your heat beating. Pause here now.

Inhale gently – exhale and soften.

Spend some time breathing and listening to this rhythm in your centre.

At this moment, you can close down your eyes if that feels comfortable to you, and spend a few moments breathing slowly, focusing your attention on your heart space.

Inhale gently – exhale and soften.

In the quiet of this moment, spend some time reflecting on the love that lives inside of you.

Your heart space is where you find your essence, behind your image.

In this moment, breath deeply into this space within you.

Speak now some words of love to yourself:

Inhale kindness, exhale and soften.

Inhale connection, exhale and soften.

Inhale compassion, exhale and soften.

Inhale truth, exhale and soften.

Now, if it feels right for you at this moment, place both hands, one on top of the other, on the centre of your heart space.

Pause here in this space of stillness, thanking yourself for taking a moment of scaredness to be with yourself and your heart.


For taking a moment out of your day to rest with yourself.


To be with your heart.

To soften into the sacred.


Once again,

Inhale gently – exhale and soften.


Go gently.



This meditation was created alongside our Love Collection by Casey Booth. As well as being Organic Merchant’s Sales Development Manager, Casey is a qualified yoga teacher and dedicated believer in holistic health and wellbeing, and she brings this spirit to the work she does with us.