
Chamomile (Matricaria recutita)

Chamomile is a small white wildflower native to Europe, India, and Asia.

The medicinal usage of chamomile dates back thousands of years as a calming herbal tea to induce sleep and aid digestion. It has also been consumed as a natural remedy to treat other health conditions including digestive complaints, pregnancy and menopause symptoms.

Loaded with antioxidants, it may play a role in lowering heart disease and cancer.

Part used



Neutral to cool, slightly bitter, sweet


Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, mild sedative, cholagogue, bitter tonic (digestive), antispasmodic, spasmolytic, carminative, mild sudorific, diaphoretic, emmenagogue, antiulcer, relaxant, antiallergic, anticatarrhal.

  • Symptomatic treatment of gastrointestinal complaints such as bloating, dyspepsia, impaired digestion, colitis, colic, diverticulitis and flatulence, IBS and spasms
  • Gastric and duodenal ulcers
  • Anxiety, restlessness, sleep disorders and mild cases of insomnia due to nervous disorders.
  • Menopausal tension
  • Teething problems in children
  • Migraine
  • Vertigo
  • Travel sickness
  • Morning sickness, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea
  • Asthma
  • Relief of symptoms of the common cold, hayfever, sinusitis, bronchitis, nasal congestion
  • Urinary infections
  • External use: May be used for minor inflammation and irritations of the skin and mucosa (superficial wounds, skin cracks, eczema, bruises, small boils, sunburn, frostbite and insect bites) including irritations of the mouth, gums and throat.

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Chamomile is used in our Chakra, Chamomile, Digestive, Peaceful and Restful Tea